Mozilla thunderbird preview pane on side
Mozilla thunderbird preview pane on side

mozilla thunderbird preview pane on side

The message pane is sometimes known as the preview pane, but this term has no real meaning in Thunderbird.To open and close the message pane without dragging the splitter, choose View – Layout – Message Pane or press F8.To find it, move your mouse pointer carefully towards the bottom edge of the thread pane, until the pointer changes to a double arrow: ↕ The default theme makes the splitter difficult to find when the pane is collapsed.To see the message pane again, drag the splitter back up. The splitter remains at the bottom of the window: This is useful when you do not need the message pane. If you drag the splitter down, making the message pane too short, the pane suddenly collapses. To resize the message pane, drag its splitter up or down: Otherwise it displays the message that is selected in the thread pane: If you have not selected any message since Thunderbird started, it displays the start page. The message pane is the pane below the thread pane.

Mozilla thunderbird preview pane on side